The Leap Day Experience (limited to 100 smart Guild champions)
Leap Day of the Swan
A Look at Today and A Leap into Tomorrow
It happens every...
126,144,000 seconds
2,102,400 minutes
35,040 hours
1,460 days
4 years of orbits 'round the sun...
It's Leap Day - a four year milestone our Guild wants to celebrate and milepost ... because a lot can happen in four years.
Leap Day has been notorious for being ignored unless you happen to have a wedding anniversary, or you are a Leapling (born on Feb 29th). But in times past this day was decorated with out-of-norm traditions such as Irish Bachelor’s day or a two-day Roman celebration.
The Grey Swan Guild has decided to create a new tradition that includes some distinctive smarts and fun, A Leap Day of the Swan! Event convenes February 29th at 10am ET/ 7amPT/ 4pm CEST. Join us for our very first edition.

Leap Day of the Swan,
A Work from Home,
Milepost Discussion:
More than any other thing over the last four years what has changed is how we go about our work and professional life (see visual for our Weathervane research on ranked sets of changes).
Work-from-home. Remote work. Hybrid life. Digital nomadry. Distributed companies. Blended teaming. There are so many new styles and places of work terms that have cropped up over the last four years.
On February 29th, we will have an insight-rich interactive discussion on remote work.
Leap Day of the Swan: A Futures Wheel Time Capsule of What We Thought
Futures Wheels are a solution design centred process and tool that allow us to think through possible impacts, consequences, thoughts and complex relationships on current trends or potential future events
After all, any useful ideas about the future should appear to be half probable and half-ridiculous .in order to reasonably implement any kind of future-ready view.
On February 29th we will be producing four different Future Wheels that tease out various aspects of remote work over the next four years.

Leap Day of The Swan:
Predict the Fun Unknowable.
Research has found evidence that fun and play in our professional environments is linked with less fatigue, boredom, stress, and burnout. And that's exactly what we are going to do on Leap Day.
On February 29th we are going to play Leap Day Bingo, Personal Futures 2028, Leap-tradamus polls. and Headline-chasing Trivia.
Leap Day of The Swan:
A Collaborative Output for the next 1,460 days.
We just can't let all this talent just go to waste in our three-hour event. We will producing a four year futures report that synthesizes what we do in the Leap Day of the Swan on Remote Work, adds in a dash of future Climate/Environment, a splash of foresights on 2028 Mental Health/Wellness, a pinch of scenarios on the 2028 Geopolitical Landscape and contemplates next uncertainties with 2028 Emerging Technology and AI near-future forecasts.
On February 29th be involved in our publication sprint to provide clarity across the biggest questions over the next four years.

Leap Day of the Swan:
Meet 100 of the Smartest People in our Network.
Our members are known for their curiosity, collaboration, purpose and aspiration, and they;re wicked intelligent too. We're limiting Leap Day to just 100 participants, so don't be left out of in the cold. Join us and share something, and learn something.
On February 29th we'll gather some of our finest Swans together to kick off our next four years, Don't be an ostrich, be a Grey Swan.
Grey Swan Guild,
You Only Get One Chance Every Four Years, Don't Miss It.
On Thursday, February 29th starting at:
10am EST/7am PST/4pm CEST/5pm SAST/
7pm GulfST/8:30pm IST/11pm SGT
We will convene for three hours as the 100 swans:
10am Welcome and Intros
10:05am Leap-tradamus 2028 Polls
10:10am Leap Day Bingo
10;15am Set Up of Discussion
10:20am Work from Home - Where We've Been/Where It's Going
11:20am Headline Chasing Trivia
11:25am Guild Interstitials
11:30am Futures Wheel Interactive
11:40am Breakout Discussions and Wheels Development
12::20pm The Key Headlines
12:45pm The Leap Report and Expanding the Scope of the Next Four Years

Swans coming together in common purpose

Scott Phares, Leap Day Executive Producer
Expect the unexpected, this Leap Day event has been created with the participants in mind. We are working to highlight our great tools and empower participants with better confidence to navigate this quickly changing world. Not only will we look at the past but also gaze into the future together. The ability to predict short term trends and benchmark them every 4 years will provide insight that is useful to us all.

Eva Tomas Casado, Leap Day Host/Editor
Looking forward to collective futures thinking - if a year gives you a day, better use it for the sake of better futures.

Antonia Nicols, Editor/Moderator
I’m looking forward to applying Foresight tools to the pressing issue of WFH. While I’m looking forward to the subsequent analysis and seeing how it holds up at the next Leap Day of the Swan, I hope to leave with insights that can help me take considered action today in line with the future possibilities I want to create.

Geeta Dhir, Moderator
Excited for the forum to look backwards so that we can scan forwards. We underestimate how much change has happened in a mere four years. I wonder what our enlightened group will consider over the next four years.

Stephanie Kusibab,
The future is best explored together. Excited to explore this societal shift with the smartest folks I know from around the world.

Rob Tyrie, Editor/Moderator
Amazing things happen every 4 years.. as unusual as seeing the Number 29 in February. This Leap Day we'll enliven the past, energize the present, and glimpse ahead to 2028. Using special software and human lenses we'll craft a time capsule gift for The Guild's future members, predicting you'll have a good time creating with us.

Mark Houghton, Moderator
The march of progress and time continues on. It's a great opportunity to breathe, step back and consider our shared future. Leap Day is the resetting our life watches but better clarity and futureproofing.

Michael Spink, Editor
I am excited to consider the thinkable, unmanageable, barely imagianable and unthinkable in our collabroative digital space. I always levae more educated and ready to take on the world after these special Guild events.

Sylvia Gallusser, Moderator/Editor
An extra day is a rare opportunity to reflect on our journey and look ahead to our destination. Let us use this gift of time to appreciate our achievements and unleash our potential!

Sean Moffitt, Editor/Moderator
Leap Day of the Swan has the potential to become a Guild institution - a five ring circus of smarts, intelligence and collaboration that happens just once every four years..Be part of our first iteration!

Bernie Zeesman,
I'm really looking forward to participating in the Leap Day of The Swan. Another great opportunity to make sense of our shifting worlds.

Olga Howard, Editor
I love the spirit of our Guild in colliding minds together in common purpose. Our work and play intermingles to consider deeply come questions that many of us don't consider in day-to-day life.