50 Shades of Grey...
Swan Guild Members
Tongue firmly planted in cheek, our 50 audiences that grok to what we do.
#1 Analysts & Forecasters
"Analysis is the critical starting point of creative thinking" - Kenichi Ohmae.
Business Analysts, Financial Analysts, Industry Analysts, Marketing Analysts, Quantitative Analysts, Behavior Analysts, Intelligence Analysts, Psychoanalysts, News Analysts, Public Policy Analysts,Systems Analysts, Forecasters, Demand Planners.
#2 Applied Innovators, Intrapreneurs,& Experimenters
"“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.“ - Chinese Proverb.
Applied Innovators, Disruptors, Intrapreneurs, R&D, Scrum Masters, Transformationists, Business Modellers, Agile Leads, Lean Startup Coaches, Product Owners, Lab Heads, Experimenters..
#3 Astronomers, Biologists, Chemists, Physicists & Scientists
"Science is common sense at its best" - Thomas Huxley.
Astronomers, Astrophysicists, Biologists, Geneticists, Neuroscientists, Ecologists, Chemists, Materials Scientists, Physicists, Computer Scientists, Mathematicians & Scientists
#4 Authors, Big Thinkers & Thought Leaders
"If your words or actions, inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a thought leader" - John Q. Adams.
Authors, Writers, Publishers, Big Thinkers, Intellectuals, Authorities, Mavens, Speakers, Thought Leaders.
#5 Behavioral Scientists & Neuroscientists
"There is no scientific study more vital to man than the study of his own brain. Our entire view of the universe depends on it."-Francis Crick.
Behavioral Scientists, Cognitive Scientists, Media Psychologists, Organizational Behaviorists, Ethnologists, Consumer Behaviorists, Neuroscientists.
#6 Catalysts, Change Agents & Growth Hackers
"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do". - Steve Jobs.
Catalysts, Initiators, Champions, Activators, Advocates, Instigators, Sparks, Change Agents, Growth Hackers, Bootstrappers, Rainmakers.
#7 Changemakers & Social Entrepreneurs
"“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” ― Margaret Mead.
Changemakers, Social Architects, Social Innovators, Cause Agents, Human Rights Advocates, Ecosystem Builders, Social Entrepreneurs
#8 Collaborators & Open Innovators
"Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work." – Vince Lombardi.
Collaborators, Co-creators, Crowdsourcers, Peer Producers, Open Sourcers, Collective Intelligencers, Open Innovators.
#9 Community Managers & Movement Builders
"A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm"- Henrik Ibsen. .
Community Managers, Social Glue, Community Liaison, Discussion Curator, Citizen Advocate, Facilitator, Trust Agent, Community Outreach, Community Engagement, Movement Builders.
#10 Consultants, Advisors & Executive Counsel
"“If the game is designed for you to lose, don’t play that game. Play a different one.”-
Seth Godin.
Consultants, Advisors, Project Manager, Executive Coach, Change Manager, Subject Matter Expert, Executive Counsel, Executive-in-Residence.
#11 Content Virtuosos, Creators & Curators
"If you are not putting out relevant content in relevant places, you don't exists"- Gary Vaynerchuk.
Content Virtuosos, Bloggers, Online Publishers, Newsletter Authors, Course Creators, Social Media Influencers, Creators, Copywriters, Content Marketers, Inbound Marketers , Search Engine Optimizers & Curators.
#12 Creative Visionaries, Designers & Artists
"Creativity is intelligence having fun" - Albert Einstein.
Creative Visionaries, Illustrators, Art Directors, Designers, Game Developers, Graphic Designers, Artists, Painters, Photographers, Sculptors, Calligraphers, Animators. Printmakers.
#13 Critical Thinkers & Problem Solvers
"“If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail.”- Abraham Maslow.
Critical Thinkers, Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Technicians, Troubleshooters, Inspectors, Problem Solvers.
#14 Cultural Anthropologists & Sociologists
"The purpose of anthropology is to make the word safe for human differences" - Ruth Benedict.
Cultural Anthropologists, Social Scientists, Demographers, Sociologists, Philosophers. Theorists, Theologians, Archaeologists, Ethicists.
#15 Data Scientists, Statistical Wizards and Game Theorists
"Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the the combustion engine" - Peter Sondergaard.
Data Scientists, Statisticians, Risk Assessor, Quality Control, Actuaries, Mathematicians, Biostatisticians, Statistical Physicists, Game Theorists, Simulation Developer.
#16 Design Thinkers, Human-Centred Designers & Experience Developers
"“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Design Thinkers, Human-Centred Designers, UX Designers, CX Designers, Brand Experience Designers, UI, Experience Developers, Process Improvement Owners, Solutions Architect, Front End Engineer.
#17 Digitalists & Tech Geeks
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"- Arthur C. Clarke,.
Digitalists, Programmers, Web Developers, App Developers, Cybersecurity Architects, DevOps Engineers, AI/Machine Learning Engineers, Technologists, IT Managers, Hardware Engineers, Robotics Engineers, Full Stack Engineers.
#18 Dot Connectors & Researchers
"Collecting the dots. Then connecting them. And then sharing the connections with those around you. This is how a creative human works. Collecting, connecting, sharing, "Amanda Palmer.
Dot Connectors, Field Researchers. Laboratory Researchers, Qualitative Researchers, Quantitative Researchers, Exploratory Researchers, Theoretical Rsearchers, Applied Researchers, Insight Generators, Pollsters.
#19 Economists, New Capitalists & Investors
"Economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life."- Tyler Cowen.
Economists. New Capitalists, Investors, Actuaries, Investment Officers, Financial Advisors, Underwriters, Securities, Commercial Banking, Bankers, Lending, Budget Analysts, Accountants, Auditors
#20 Educators & Academics
"Education is the best friend. "An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth." -Chanakya
Educator, Academic, Dean, Professor, Counsellor, Coach, Teacher, Instructor, Faculty, Lecturer
#21 Emerging Technologists, Transhumanists and Singulatarians
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke
Emerging Technologists, Information Technologists, Singlutarians, Transhumanists, Technophile, Engineer, Programmer, Coder, Applied Scientists, Developer, Hacker, Posthumanist, Cypherpunk
50 Types of Members Making Sense of the World ... 50 Shades of Grey

Here are their eight biggest compelling reasons why...

Motivation to Join | Percentage |
#1 Making Sense of the World's Biggest Challenges & Future Grey Swans | 59% |
#2 Access to Global Insights, Smarter Foresights & Non-Ordinary Perspectives | 48% |
#3 Impacting Society, Business & Day-to-Day Life in a Positive Way | 47% |
#4 Affiliations with a Community that Wants to Contribute to the Collective Good | 41% |
#5 Acquiring Relevant Learning & Broader Skill Sets | 26% |
#6 Being on the Ground Floor of A Different Collective Approach | 25% |
#7 Tapping into a Global Talent Exchange & Collaboration Potential | 24% |
#8 Increasing Repiutational and Personal Brand Value | 21% |