Pre-purchase our first two Radar Collection reports:
The Radar Collection - Minimizing the Surprise of the Near-, Mid- and Far-Futures.
Foresight needs to adapt to new realities happening at faster paces than ever before. Post-pandemic there is a steep rise in interest across sectors to spot the oncoming signals of the future, become resilient to them and backcast to action now.
Climate change. Financial equity. Generational value shifts. Geo-political tensions. New events & phenomena. A mercurial marketplace. An activist workplace. New business models. AI incredulity and peril Alternative & reappraised ways of living. The march of progress. The chasm of disillusion. What is a person to do to stay up to speed?
As "forecasting, predicting and modelling' what's next becomes more challenging with increasingly paradoxical, accelerated and wild card, grey swan events, we need to ‘level-up’ on what's probable, preferred, possible, overlooked and outlying . Turn to the deep exploratory reports, bank of foresights and people that are always thinking what's next, what's ahead, and what's in front of us. Turn to the Radar Collection.

minimizing the
surprise of tomorrow

Like nobody else, we dip into the waters of the future on some of the most relevant and important topics that affect today and matter for tomorrow.
![]() Strategic foresight into the fascinating array of mainstreaming interest in biophillic, bioharmonic and nature-based futures Due-May 2023. | ![]() Not too near, not too far, just right. What is the 'Goldilocks Effect' of what customers will be thinking, how they will be behaving and why they will be valuing their world differently one-thousand days out. Let's navigate the actionable marketplace of the future. Due August 2023. | ![]() What is the future way we work, live and play in real life, digital realms and the intersection between the two. Due: Nov 2023. |
![]() What's in your digital wallet? For centuries, society's fascination was in acquiring more and more money, this decade we are asking the question, what type of cash? Let's discover the frontiers of money and what that means for the institutions of finance and society. Due February 2024. | ![]() How do we circle up our square economy, marketplace and mindset. Putting some real teeth and in sustainability and purpose as we deal with some of the biggest existential challenges of our times. Let's take an honest view at what's urbanly probable, possible, imaginable and unimaginable. Due May 2024. | ![]() There is an existential crisis that keeps creeping closer and rising higher to our burning earth and fragile coastlines. Let's take an honest, non-politicized view at how things may evolve over the next generation and prospective changes we make on a blue marble of a home. Due Aug, 2024. |

“future-prepared” firms, defined as those who practice and apply foresight, posted 33% higher profitability than the average company and 200% higher growth
Source: Corporate foresight and its impact on firm performance: A longitudinal analysis

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The Future Needs More Clarity, Sense & Action:
A Sharper Lense on Tomorrow - Radar Collection Reports
The Radar Collection is built on the core premise of reimagining and reinventing the art & science of futures intelligence, by providing multidisciplinary foresight, with critical analytics that facilitate sensemaking. The futures is no longer certain or a straightline projection of what has past. The landscape in front of us is catalyzed by highly diverse forces, stakeholders and drivers of change.
Foresight & forecast need to recalibrate their frameworks, and build sensitivity to world’s deepening complexities and widening gaps. Radar Collection Reports strive to provide a balance between making acute sense of the future complexities and actionable insights to mitigate present uncertainties.
"The signal is the truth. The noise is what distracts us from the truth."
- Nate Silver
A multi-disciplinary team of researchers, futurists, consultants, strategists, trend scouts, designers ... and more from around the wold, asking the tangible, imaginable and unimaginable questions about possibilities, scenarios and tomorrows.
![]() HOLISTIC"Four winds" lens - hindwinds, nowwinds, forewinds, crosswinds - looking back, scanning forward, pondering deep, peering wide | ![]() INTERDISCIPLINARYFifty+ specialties, one unified approach | ![]() CONTEXT-AWAREAlways aware of time, geography, societal norms and environment - System-coherent, Liminal-sensing, Cultural-savvy |
![]() PARTICIPATORYOpen, Co-created & Collaborative Engagement | ![]() BALANCEDBridges Diverse Perspectives,Reduced Bias | ![]() Well-SupportedPowered by the global Grey Swan Guild and talented Global League of Sensemakers |
![]() EXPLAIN, EXPLORE, EVALUATELeads to Understanding, Discovery and Conclusions | ![]() PIONEEREINGExperimental Approaches, Edge-fluent, New Paths for New Challenges | ![]() SUBSTANTIVEBeyond Superficial or Derivative, Expanded Depth & Fresh Originality |
![]() EXAPANDINGSubscribe to Four Quarterly Weathervane Deep Dives, Weathervane Living Bank of Relevant Hindsights, Insights, Foresights & Crosssights |
The Radar Collection is powered by The Grey Swan Guild - a global network of more than 7,000+ members in over 90+ countries with a common desire to "make sense of the world's biggest challenges and next Grey Swans".

Akash Das
Akash has over a decade of
multidisciplinary experience
comprising fashion & systems
design, speculative & futures
research and strategy. Along
with consulting for global
clients through
MeWeStudioX, his strategic
foresight consultancy studio,
he leads Speculative &
Futures Lab at ISDI, Mumbai—
in collaboration with Parsons
School of Design, New York.

Sean Moffitt
Sean Moffitt is a leading
global authority, executive,
author and keynote speaker,
passionate about Customers,
Brands, Technology,
Innovation, Business Models
and The Future. He is
Managing Director of
Futureproofing and was an
executive strategist,
technologist and marketer
who has built four successful
startups in the past 15 years.