We are a global network of more than 10,000 members in over 100+ countries with a common desire to "make sense of the world's biggest challenges and next Grey Swans".
We came together in response to the first shocks felt during the COVID-19 pandemic, to discuss the impact of the crisis and the road ahead for people, business, economy, government and broader society.
Through this process, we have now documented hundreds of candid perspectives from our members across professional domains, geographies and demographics.
We have now turned our attention and thoughts to the big issues and opportunities that challenge and call us. Climate Change, Nuclear War, Polarization, Robots, AI, The Great Resignation, Trade Wars, The Future of Food, and more. They push us all for better solutions and more consideration for the unknowable and to push through the knowable.
In sharing these perspectives, forums, curricula and ventures, we hope to stimulate wider conversations and move the dial on our ultimate goal: to make sense of the current world challenges, and future Grey Swans.
Grey Swan Guild makes better sense of the world's biggest challenges and next Grey Swans.
We do this across a range of societal, cultural, economic, marketplace, technology and workplace challenges.
For professionals, business leaders, policy makers, educators and curious others.
Our aim is to surface, inspire, and invite additional evidence-based observations, perspectives, contributions and opportunities from those who are committed to affect and influence positive change.
committed to the collective good
evidence-based, policy, humanity
critical, rational, optimistic, aware
can-do spirit, non-ordinary/innovative
About Our Name
A “grey swan” is a term used to describe a potentially very significant event that is considered unlikely to happen but still possible. As there is a slight chance the event will occur, it should be anticipated, particularly as it could shake up civilization, the world economy, culture, marketplaces, workplaces and life.
A “guild” is an organization of persons with related interests, goals etc. especially one formed for mutual aid or protection.
Hindsights & Insights
Foresights & Futures
Meaning & Connections
Implications & Actions
What We Like to Do
We chase down the manageable.
We filter through the knowable.
We go deeper on the unmagaeable.
We contemplate the unknowable.