Call to Action:: Take our Grey Swan Guild Weathervane V - Uncertainty Survey
This is our Guild's 3X-annual opportunity to engage our community of deep thinkers, senior practitioners and curious others on their view of business, cultural, economic, marketplace, societal, technology, and workplace sentiment. We call them Weathervanes..
Our Grey Swan Guild's mission is to make better sense of the world.and its biggest challenges, current and future. Our intelliegince efforts are a key plank in this pursuit.
We want to understand your perspectives on the topic of Uncertainty as a companion piece of intelligence sitting next to our just-published book of the same name "Uncertainty: Making Sense of the World for Better, Bolder Outcomes" (Cygnus Publishing)..

Uncertainty is both the paralyzer and catalyst of our times.. Our Guild thought so much of this disruptive force that our first publication of our Cygnus Publishing venture "Uncertainty: Making Sense of the World for Better, Bolder Outcomes."
Our unique intelligence contribution to the this important and relevant topic is to provide:
a mix of current and future perspectives
implications and applications for professionals and practitioners
post-pandemic realities and a sped-up, frenzied world
a blend of expert qualitative POVs and quantitive support
a focus on the intended actions and impacts of operating in an Uncertain world

As a valued member of ournetwork and community, we're asking for 10 minutes of your time to provide feedback on the state of our uncertain world.
We ask that you submit your thoughts by Friday, October 20th at 12pm ET. We will be presenting results live for discussion to respondents only Thursday November 23th and at our 1,000 Day Radar; Executive Day Event November30th .

We will be summarizing all of the results within an online, printable report and an Executive Day -1,000 Day Radar Event November 30th, 2023.

Final results and report content will be tied together by:
- Survey primary research results
- Deeper interviews with a sub-sample of experts
- Synthesis of secondary research from industry and academic sources
- Executive summary and exploratory amongst inner panel of Uncertainty navigators

We have ten big segments to our Uncertainity Weathervane effort we will be pursuing::
- CONTEXT OF UNCERTAINTY - compared to the last three decades, how uncertain are we currently as a society?
- PRESENT FACTORS of Uncertainty: what is most driving your current professional levels of uncertainty?
- FUTURE FACTORS of Uncertainty: what will drive your future professional levels of uncertainty over the next decade?
- UNEXPECTED Scenarios and Grey Swans of Uncertainty - what is not being talked about much currently that may be an uncertainty blindspot that sideswipes us in the near, mid or long future?
- DRIVERS OF UNCERTAINTY - we have come up with the term CAFFEINATED to express 11 core drivers of uncertainty, which do you believe are the strongest overall drivers now?
- FEELINGS OF UNCERTAINTY - reaction to turbulence can be emotional, how do you feel about the current state of uncertainty (in a professional context)?
- THRIVING IN UNCERTAINTY - what among these strategies and tactics do you most use to deal with high levels of professional uncertainty?
- FACETS OF UNCERTAINTY - what parts of Uncertainty are you most interested in?
- AUTHORS OF UNCERTAINTY - who do you rely on the most for their thought leadership on uncertainty?
- OFFRAMPS TO UNCERTAINTY - what other pressing question or challenge would you have liked to be asked on uncertainty:?

Benefit to Respondents :
All respondents will receive:
- a complimentary copy of the research report for personal use
- be invited into our exclusive respondent-only event
- given your answers, we may also request a longer form interview with your permission and/or podcast interview
- options to collaborate and be involved in our next publishing effort
We ask that you submit your thoughts by Friday, October 20th at 12pm ET. We will be presenting results live for discussion to respondents only Thursday November 23th and at our 1,000 Day Radar; Executive Day Event November30th .

Take the Survey Now:
Give it some thought and join ouresteemed group of uncertainty navigators?