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The Great Grey Swan Debate

Grey Swan Guild

Hosted by:

Grey Swan Guild

Hosted by:

The Grey Swan Guild is a global network of 1000+ members from over 55 countries, with a common desire to "make sense of the world's biggest challenges". We came together in response to the first shocks felt during the COVID-19 pandemic, to discuss the impact of the crisis and the road ahead for people, business and society.

Through this process we documented more than 100 candid perspectives from our members across professional domains, geographies and demographics. ​In sharing these perspectives we hope to stimulate wider conversations and move the dial on our ultimate goal: to make sense of the current pandemic, and more importantly, future Grey Swans.

The Great Grey Swan Debate


The Grey Swan Guild hosted a debate that shone a light on discussions people are having about the implications of COVID-19 pandemic and which way the future will tilt as part of our ongoing mission to unravel the world's biggest challenges. In our first ever debate, we convened a group of 8 thought leaders, 3 topics and 1 goal -- to sensemake around some subjects and challenges that really matter to people in 2020 and beyond.

Team Captains:
Andrea Kates
Greg Satell,

Debate #1 - Shopping, Commerce, & Retail
Jeannette Hanna vs. Sylvia Gallusser

Debate #2 - Data-Empowered or Surveillance Society
Rob Tyrie vs. Jonathan Hoffberg

Debate #3 - Sports, Entertainment & Large Events
Jeff Grimshaw vs. Ralph Guggenheim
A whole bunch of edu-tainment ensued with a declared winner at the end. Watch the video to learn, sensemake and watch to the closing minutes to discover the victor.

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