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Contribution Form

We are inviting kids from all over the world, ages six (6) to twelve (12), to submit drawings about the pandemic – depicting what it means to them, how it is shaping their lives, and their view of its implications for the world.

Kids have a remarkable capacity to feel – to detect the subtle emotional content of what is going on around them. We want to enlist their expertise in our sensemaking efforts. In the process we are hoping to help kids express and share what they are feeling. We want them to know that they are being both heard and valued – something even more important in these difficult times than it is normally.

Every image that is submitted, if it meets our basic standards of appropriateness, will be published on the Grey Swan Guild web site. It will become part of our, and the world's, collective sensemaking effort. The artist, a "Young Sensemaker," will become part of this global process.

Come Work With Us
Upload your artwork here

We are excited to receive your submission! We will be in touch soon with a link to the final Young Sensemakers Gallery where you can view your creation online!

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